
Step 1: Desk research

European desk research in co-creative cultural learning with youngsters and older people

The first step of the GUTS project concerns a desk research and analysis of the socio-demographic framework of ageing and youth employment over Europe, with a special focus on the areas covered by the partnership. Special focus will be on the analysis of the state of art of co-creative cultural and intergenerational learning processes with older people and youngsters identifying the benefits of participatory learning, A high quality and constructive result will be realised by collection and analysis of good practices in order to learn form good practices and set up new co-creative learning areas in intergenerational learning.


Step 2: Scientific evaluation of learning areas

European innovative research of impact intergenerational and cultural learning areas with older people and youngsters

The partner countries will organise special evaluation events of co-creative cultural learning for older people and youngsters in the organised learning areas in interaction with the learners and stakeholders. A (scientific) databank of evaluation of the cultural learning with older people and youngsters will be realised. The databank can be used for analysis concerning results and outcomes of the learning areas on a European level. The main common objective of the events will consist in investigating the communication and needs of the learners and stakeholders and their desired successful results in the realised learning co-creative learning processes in the learning areas.


Action manual

Action manual for policymakers and professionals on intergenerational and innovative learning

The first step of the GUTS project concerns a desk research and analysis of the socio-demographic framework of ageing and youth employment over Europe, with a special focus on the areas covered by the partnership. Special focus will be on the analysis of the state of art of co-creative cultural and intergenerational learning processes with older people and youngsters identifying the benefits of participatory learning, A high quality and constructive result will be realised by collection and analysis of good practices in order to learn form good practices and set up new co-creative learning areas in intergenerational learning.

Learning areas

Learning Areas and principles of GUTS

The chosen learning areas will depend on the interest of the different participating organisations, target groups and the context of the participating countries. Basic principles of the GUTS co-creative cultural learning areas focus on older people and young adults:

1. Co-creating / Co-creation

The members of the chosen specific target groups set and achieve their own concrete targets, priorities and concepts wherever possible.

2. Intergenerational

People of all ages can learn together and from each other.

3. Cultural Approaches

GUTS will establish successful and sustainable working relationships with cultural organisations and protagonists in the field of ‘learning later in life’ in order to develop innovative models in creative settings. The learning areas that GUTS will develop, will make use of various ways of artistic expression and approaches.

4. Inclusion

The GUTS partnership organises activities in the co-creative learning areas across generations and cultures and aims at achieving inclusion and cohesion in our ageing societies.

5. Community orientation

GUTS will aim at implementing strategies for policy making on the level of education and training in a concrete local or regional context.

6. Prevention oriented

GUTS focusses on living - ‘salutogenese’ (e.g. to look for ways to stay healthy, to cope with unusual situations and by doing so becoming a stronger person) - and building social networks in the environment of the target groups.

7. Transdisciplinarity

Cooperation in the co-creative learning space bases itself upon the experiences and networks gained during the work of former learning partnerships. GUTS aims at further development of experiences with high future potential.

8. Innovative

GUTS focusses on using innovative approaches, concepts, event formats and methodologies.